Code of Conduct for Student

Code of conduct describes the behavior expected out of students admitted at any of the post graduate school in terms of overall discipline, hostel residency, dress code and student section activities course. (Rules of discipline to be observed in or outside the institute of the University).

Regulation No.Particulars
1Every student must carry his/her Identity Card which should be produced when demanded.
2It is mandatory for the students to attend the classes, sessions, co-curricular activities etc. on all working days from the start to the end of the term/semester. Absence due to illness or unavoidable circumstances shall be considered only if the application is supported with medical certificate in case of illness and / or leave application form is submitted to the Head of the Institution.
3Students are expected to behave a responsible manner and refrain from chatting amongst themselves while the class is in progress;
4Students are expected to be polite individually or as a group and show respect to the faculty/ staff of the institute/ University;
5Any indiscipline or misbehavior in class or in the campus or in the transit vehicle of campus or even outside the campus would warrant disciplinary action against the student(s);
6The student should follow the academic calendar displayed on notice board or shared with them and complete the term work on time. If a student does not complete the required term work, his or her term will be revoked, and he or she will not be permitted to sit for the college internal examination and university examination. In the examination, students should not attempt to copy.
7As per University guidelines, a student would be allowed to a semester examination provided he or she has attended regularly the required classes of subject for the relevant semester and has attended not less than 75% of the total number of classes held.
8Students must keep their parents updated on their attendance status, academic progress and any other issues that may arise. They should also make timely payments of college and hostel fees.
9Students must have a greater sense of commitment to the institute. Maintain a clean and orderly appearance, as well as a pleasant learning environment. They are not permitted to draw or write derogatory sketches on the walls, furniture, parking lots, doors, or other amenities.
10When representing the college, students are expected to act appropriately both on and off campus. Any observed, undesirable behavior inside or outside the campus is subject to disciplinary action.
11They should receive notifications from the notice board, college website, and emails on a regular basis to avoid missing essential information.
12Students are required to build positive relationships with their classmates and faculty. Their actions must demonstrate respect for faculty members and foster a sense of community and equal respect among themselves.
13Students must maintain proper silence in the classrooms, laboratories and libraries and refrain from causing noise. They must adhere to classroom, laboratory and library schedules to avoid unnecessary annoyance and overcrowding.
14Students must take proper care of the laboratory and library resources.
15Male students must not make derogatory remarks about female students and must treat them with respect.
16Any action of any individual, group or a section of students, which amounts to interference in the regular administration of institute, is prohibited. Disciplinary actions will be initiated against such student(s);
17Causing disfiguration or damage to the property of the University or belongings of staff members or other fellow students is prohibited.
18No student shall indulge in any activity that might be illegal or may lead to disorderliness;
19No student shall be in possession of liquor, drugs or any intoxicating materials, nor would consume such things on the premises of the university.
20Smoking cigarettes/ chewing pan or tobacco or gutkha is strictly prohibited.
21Indecent behavior in any form will not be tolerated.
22Usage of mobile phone & electronic gadgets in classroom is prohibited without the permission of the concern course Instructor / Faculty. Noncompliance of same will be subject to strict disciplinary action decided by competent Authority.
23In Examination Hall (classroom /Lab) Usage of mobile phone & electronic gadgets is completely prohibited without the permission of the concern Supervisor/course Instructor / Faculty. Possession of same will be considered as Unfair Means and accordingly actions will be initiated as per the rules of Unfair Means adopted during Examinations.
24Usage of mobile phone & electronic gadgets on campus is allowed (except in Classroom and Examination Hall) subject to compliance of discipline and not disturbing the decorum of Educational Campus.
25Repeated violation is subject to confiscation of the gadget.
26Activities like video shooting, photography, playing musical instruments and listening to music or any other entertainment. are prohibited on the Campus except with the permission of the Head of the Institution.
27The students are expected to be in the class rooms/ Laboratory or any place of study on time prior to the commencement of the study.
28Use of helmets is compulsory for everyone who rides a two-wheeler to and from the campus;
29Students should follow a decent dress code when they come to the campus.
30Any kind of ragging in the class, campus or even outside the campus is strictly prohibited.
31Any kind of misuse of Internet, intranet or computer software, mobile etc. is strictly prohibited.
32Disobeying any instructions of any kind issued by the Head of the Department or Head of the Institution will be considered as in disciplinary action on the part of the student.
33Students need to be responsible towards usage of social media. No content which is objectionable or derogatory nature for the image of GTU or PG has to be put up or approved in any form of social media campus.
34All students need to strictly follow the rules for usage of library, computer laboratory or any other laboratory as decided by the concerned campus.
35The items which are not covered above and which the Head of Institution considers as indisciplinary action will be dealt with, under these rules.
36In any case if student cancel the admission, they have to submit affidavit.
37Attendance must be fulfilling 75% as per university norm. Institute will not allow filling University forms if attendance is less than 75%. Any excuse is not permitted for same.
38Any change in address/contact no. should be immediately informed to the respective mentors.
39College timing will be 8:00 am to 2:20 pm. Always try to reach early 8:00 am to institute.
  • Any behavior by a student or students that has the effect of insulting, treating, or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student, whether through words spoken or written or through an act;
  • Engaging in aggressive or disorderly behavior that annoys, inconveniences, causes physical or psychological injury, or that causes any students or other students to dread or be concerned about such behavior;
  • Any action by a senior student that inhibits, disrupts, or interferes with another student's or a fresher's regular academic activities; using another student's or a fresher's services to complete the academic responsibilities allocated to an individual or a group of students.
  • Any act of financial extortion or coercive expenditure burden committed by students against newcomers or any other student;
  • Any physical abuse, including its variations such as sexual abuse, homophobic assaults, stripping, coercing vulgar or indecent behavior, endangering one's health or safety;
  • Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to inflict sadistic pleasure, as well as any act of abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, or public insults that also includes getting a perverted thrill, vicarious thrill, or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfort of a fresher or any other student.